
I used to sew ...

and post too. I don't know where the time is going these days.

I've got a long "to do" list of sewing projects ... 21 bibs, 9 blankets, 8 onesies to finish, 72 more onesies to make, one quilt top to reconstruct (my mother gave a top to me and I cut it up, now I have to make it good before she asks how finishing it is going ... yikes), a quilt to quilt and bind, a quilt to finish seam ripping all the quilting stitches, a summer purse to make that will hold my new coupon organizer, and another quilt to put together. Maybe that's it. Please tell me I'm not the only one with spring ADHD.

Jason, the kids, and I have been busy emptying out Ditto Kiddo. We're almost done ... just a few donate items left at the store. And everything else that we didn't sell or give away came home with us. Sounds good, huh?

Sure. This is the view looking in my front door:
the last of ditto kiddo is now in my living room

And this is the view of the dining room:
the last of ditto kiddo is now in my living room

which used to look like this:
dining room

One of the neighbor kids came by yesterday and the first thing he said was, "boy you've got a lot of crap in here!".

I don't like clutter. I don't like chaos (which doesn't explain why I have five charming children). I like neat and tidy ... I like order. I'm not having fun with my house right now.

"Put it in your garage," you suggest. Nope, can't do that ... 8 bikes, two ride-on jeeps, two sailboats, and all sorts of other outdoor crap filled that room years ago. We've only once put a car in the garage and that was my in-laws convertible during a hurricane.

Now there's some great stuff in this huge mass of mess. Plenty of Melissa and Doug to eBay, but I can't even got to it to list it because that's what came home first and it's way in the back corner. I could, from memory, list a bunch of it but would I be able to get to it if I sold it? Probably not ... at least not without breaking something (like an ankle).

So my solution is to have a garage sale. ASAP, like Saturday. I hope we're not too far past garage sale season here. That would be bad. We haven't had a garage sale in at least 6 years. I have no idea what I'm getting myself into, but it has to be better than the current situation, right?

Wish us luck.

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6 Comment

  1. Yah... when I answered the door the poor kid say "Hey are they home and do they want... wow you've got a lot of crap in there!!". I jokingly asked if he wanted to come in, and peering aroudn the doorway he said "Um. Is it possible?". I gave up. It'll get better though, the only way now is up. And on the plus side your stepping on it, not having it suffocate you (yet), so it's more the only way is down than up.

    --- the loving teenage daughter who is staring at the mess right now

  2. Maybe you should craigslist a lot of it? I bet it'd go fast! Then you don't have to fuss with being in the heat all day during a yard sale or paying ebay fees. Just a thought.

    BTW, It was also nice to know someone else with a huge craft "to-do" list LOL.

  3. I didn't feel so bad after I read your list. Good luck decrapifying!

  4. oh garage sale...can I come?
    ...and did you just join Freecycle? We're the moderators and it looked like a similar email address.
    Good luck on the organizing. It would drive me batty too.

  5. Your loving teenage daughter cracked me up! Be glad you have her support, my loving teenage son is blasting music with his band in the garage. Tell us how the garage sale went... we had one a month or two ago that was a disaster... it rained all day long, and the second we put the stuff in the house again it stopped!

  6. Decrapifying! Ha! Love that verb!
