
This and That

Here's a really bad picture of two little quilts I'm working on. One is boyish, one has flowers for a girl. Simple, classic, fun.

I'll quilt them soon, but am planning to take them, and a few others, on our summer trip so I have something to keep my hands busy while sunning myself at the lake.

Our summer trip ... We Can't Wait. Normally we head to Wisconsin right about now, and return after the 4th. This year we'll be leaving the last week in July and returning mid-August. The first week we'll be heading up Florida, across I10 to New Orleans, up to St. Louis, then up to Wisconsin ... and we're taking a week to get there. We've picked some stops but would love to hear of any great things to do near that route ... so pass along your touring wisdom, please!

I've started on the doll quilt swap. Well, I think I've picked the fabrics anyway. I was hoping to do green and blue but in the end I'm working with brown and blue instead. I need to find some background fabric and then I can get started. I'm getting excited about it, but also getting really frustrated with myself for second guessing myself so much. I think it'll work out in the end though so I need to just keep going.

Four of the kids started summer sailing camp this week so it's just K. home during the days. Do you have any idea how productive one can be with only one child around? Me neither ... I've spent much of today doing much of nothing. K., on the other hand, is taking full advantage of the situation and loving all the extra attention from Mommy and Daddy.

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4 Comment

  1. Hmmm quilting by the lake!?!? What could be better than that! Lovely thought.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I suggest visiting the Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola, FL. It is free and if you are there on a Tuesday or Wednesday morning you can watch the Blue Angels practice. Just a couple of miles off I10.

  4. I hope you have a wonderful trip!
    I'm a smidge sad that I don't have a store for you to stop at because I enjoyed visiting with you!
